Monstera Variegated Care. The marbled or a half-moon appearance is caused by a mutation in the plants chlorophyll formation. We recommend keeping your Monstera out of direct sunlight since the white parts of the leaves are more prone to burning.
The Variegated Monstera is the plant of the year you can find here some care tips that will help you to keep you Monstera Variegata heathy and white. The main difference between variegated Monstera and Monstera deliciosa is the white portion of the variegated Monstera leaves cannot absorb light so the plant needs to work twice as hard to photosynthesize. We recommend keeping your Monstera out of direct sunlight since the white parts of the leaves are more prone to burning.
There are several types of variegated Monstera species but the most popular is the deliciosa due to its beautiful coloration and unique markings.
A well-draining potting soil is best for these plants. The variegation is built into their genetic makeup because theyre engineered by humans and dont exist in the wild. Required fields are marked Customer Service. For your variegated Monstera deliciosa find the brightest window you can but keep direct sunlight to a minimum.