Monstera Siltepecana Wholesale. The plant pictured here is the plant being auctioned. We will send you a variegated cutting with the number of leaves of your choice.
We will send you a variegated cutting with the number of leaves of your choice. Right now trending is of course the Monstera siltepecana the Cebu Blue Monstera adansoni Monstera deliciosa albo variegata of course the Rhaphadophora tetrasperma. 1 bid Ending Friday at 506PM GMT 4d 14h.
We offer a range of modern indoor planting supplies to help kit out your home to make it into your own lush little jungle.
All Siltepecana Monstera Plants for sale will vary in size. They appreciate light and high humidity and will grow vertically if given the height. We do do some outside of here. Theyre often lighter in color than other monsteras and contain both dark and light green hues.