Monstera Good Indoor Plant. Is the Monstera plant poisonous to people. This is perhaps the best-known plant in the Monstera family and is easily identifiable by its huge leaves which develop prominent fenestrations splits as the plant matures.
For this reason it is important to do some research to understand what plant suits your lifestyle and home best. Santiago and Mast both recommend planting it with well-draining peat moss potting soil and adding a moss pole or a piece of wood to give it something to climb onfishing wire can also help coax it into place. Im guessing that if you had already had hands on other hardy plants and you are ready for a new challenge - these fall in more to a expert level plant to grow and maintenance.
This is a popular houseplant in spacious and brightly-lit spots but it can also be grown outdoors quite successfully in filtered sunlight or full shade.
MORE FROM FORBES SHOPPING. Adult adansonii is called friedrichsthalii because it has bigger fenestrations then the younger ones. Misting placing a humidifier nearby or using a pebble tray are great ways to boost humidity for your plant. Your Monstera Adansonii will do well in average household humidity but will benefit from a boost in humidity.