Monstera Deliciosa Tauerii Giftig. Monstera Tauerii is a dwarf evergreen tropical shrub with decorative heart-shaped leaves and weird perforations. Ideal indoor plant in a bright position with filtered light.

However weve found a large unobstructed south facing window will still work a treat. Deze zeer luchtzuiverende plant is erg populair op het moment en wordt ook wel gatenplant genoemd. Monstera deliciosa Tauerii Also know as Swiss Cheese Plant or Fruit Salad Plant.
Tauerii is a beautiful tropical evergreen that makes a large and attractive indoor specimen plant.
Excellent for indoors or partly shaded areas. It is the Office Plant of Year for 2018 in the United Kingdom. Monstera deliciosa der pa dansk kaldes Fingerfilodendron er den nok mest kendte og mest populaere plante i Monstera-slaegtenDen gar ogsa under betegnelsen Monstera pertusum og i nyere tid kendes den maske bedst som Bloggerplanten pa grund af dens beskedne pasningskrav. Geen paniek dus als jouw gatenplant nog geen gaten vertoond.