Monstera Brown Leaf Edges. If the soil still feels moist give it time to dry out a bit more. Leaf spots leaf blights and tip burns can all mean leaves turning brown on philodendrons.
If your Monstera isnt getting enough water the leaves edges are the first to suffer since they are farthest from the roots. See this article for more information about yellow leaves on Monstera plants. Monstera deliciosa also called the split-leaf philodendron and Swiss cheese plant is a popular houseplant with distinctive split and perforated leaves.
Monstera deliciosa also called the split-leaf philodendron and Swiss cheese plant is a popular houseplant with distinctive split and perforated leaves.
Sometimes you can notice brown edges or brown spots on Swiss Cheese plant leaves. Your plant suddenly has brown leaf tips or crisp edges. It happens to the best of us. Your monstera plant requires a certain amount of care in order to stay healthy and remain beautiful.