Monstera Baby Plant Care. I grow my Monstera Adansonii in an Aroid mix consisting of orchid bark perlite peat moss and charcoal. You wont be disappointed.

Take action to get rid of them before they damage the plant or spread to other houseplants. They can live for years in the right conditions. Like I said above there is a whole host of factors that influence how quickly a leaf unfurls.
The young plants will first produce the juvenile leaves and then perforated leaves after at least 6 months to a years time.
Fill the bottom third with peaty potting soil and establish a stake gently for the stem to climb on. Monstera Deliciosa enjoys bright indirect light and even a bit of direct sun as long as it isnt too hotIn the wild it will climb trees the leaves getting larger and larger as they gain access to more light but your plant wont be acclimated to full sun so watch for burns in the summer if your Monstera is close to a window. Swiss cheese plants are easy house plants to care for and are generally pest- and disease-free. The young plants will first produce the juvenile leaves and then perforated leaves after at least 6 months to a years time.