Monstera Adansonii Vs Obliqua. Monstera obliqua are close in appearance to Monstera adansonii. Let us help you to differentiate the Obliqua by the undermentioned features.
ItsneverobliquaTimestamps are belowI felt the need to produce a video on the specifics of Monstera obliqua as a surprising number of people do not unders. Though Monstera obliqua and monstera adansonii are closely related there are still some differences that help us in identifying them. The Monstera Obliqua has a really small leaf surface with really big holes.
However there lies some significant difference.
There is something about the Obliqua I would like to get off the table from the get-go. Many houseplants are a bit of a taxonomic mess meaning their naming is pretty unclear. This blog post does a great job of going into detail about these two but the short answer is yes. Because of the oval-shaped holes or fenestrations dappled throughout the leaf its sometimes called Monstera adansonii Swiss cheese or simply swiss cheese plant.