Mini Monstera Rhaphidophora Care. Ive never used copy and paste so much in a single article. Dappled sunlight is best outdoors east or north-facing windows best indoors but medium andor fluorescent light is almost as good.

Keep soil moist using water at room temperature but do not allow the plant to sit in water. Though its in the same fa. The best temperature range is 68F to 80F 16C 27C.
These belong to genus rhaphidophora.
I dont like the mini monstera nickname but its a common name and crucially its easier to type than Rhapidophora tetrasperma. I do receive a small commission if you purchase a product using my link with no addition cost to you Often called the mini monstera due to its small split and fenestrated leaves the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is a highly sought after plant. But Rhaphidophora is not exactly a monstera. Dappled sunlight is best outdoors east or north-facing windows best indoors but medium andor fluorescent light is almost as good.